Operation Warm, Inc. was founded in 1998 by Dick Sanford, a Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Longwood, PA which still supports the project to this day.  Operation Warm has provided  over 2 million coats and operates in all 50 states.  96% of all funds raised go directly toward the purchase of coats.
These new coats provide more than just warmth.  They allow children to attend school on a regular basis, they improve their self-esteem, and allow their families to spend money on other critical essentials such as food, medical care, rent and fuel.
Operation Warm was introduced to District 6650 in 2012 by then DGE, Debbie Esbenshade from The Rotary Club of Youngstown and Clubs in Division 1a in conjunction with the NE Ohio Ford Dealers Association and Cumulus Broadcasting.  That first year, 703 coats were distributed to our local Salvation Army. 
Operation Warm was the District Project in 2013 during Debbie’s year as District Governor and clubs in our district, along with the NE Ohio Ford Dealers raised almost $63,000 and provided over 3,200 coats to children throughout District 6650 --- in fact, EVERY club in our district participated that year!!  Since 2012, participating clubs in our District have provided over 15,000 new coats to kids in our district!
Contact PDG Debbie Esbenshade  (330-727-6315) if your club would like to participate this year!!  Orders must be placed with Debbie by October 11th.