Rotary Club of Salem - Job Shadow Day 

To celebrate Vocational Service Month, the Rotary Club of Salem organized a Job Shadow Day on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in collaboration with students from the
Salem High School Interact Club.
Rotary Club members and other community professionals hosted the students at their workplaces for a morning session, providing insights into various career paths. Students then joined the Salem Rotary members for
lunch. They introduced themselves and gave a short takeaway from their morning experience.

Participants explored fields such as radiology, mechanical engineering, graphic arts and social media, hospital administration, social work, construction, and welding. This
initiative allowed students to gain firsthand experience and knowledge about careers they aspire to pursue in the future.

Suzanne Harding serves as the Interact Advisor for the Rotary Club of Salem, while Audrey Null is the Vocational Service Chairperson.