Strong Leadership at Club Level Continues the Legacy of Rotary
PDG Larry Warren and DGN Dave Stillwagon are leading the way in communicating the importance of leadership training at The Rotary Leadership Institute International.
They welcome the opportunity to meet with your club to discuss the importance of RLI.
For more information, you can contact:
PDG Larry Warren at cell: 330-757-3631
DGN Dave Stillwagen at cell: 330-207-2618
What Is the Rotary Leadership Institute International?
RLI believes that excellent CLUB leadership (all types of club leaders) is essential to the future of Rotary in a complex and fast changing world. Most Rotarians have not been exposed to the great scope of Rotary around the world and have not considered what leadership skills are necessary to move Rotary forward.
RLI strongly believes that a good Rotary Club leader must know the evolution of Rotary, its status and activities in the world and have a vision for what Rotary can be in the future. Therefore, RLI provides a three-day non-consecutive basic course in both Rotary knowledge and leadership skills, especially for voluntary organizations. In addition to the specific leadership skills sessions, all the RLI sessions have a leadership component.
In addition to the basic three-day course, RLI holds in-depth seminars on important Rotary subjects, including leadership, for the “graduates” of the basic course.
The mission of RLI is to have the clubs in the member districts identify those with the potential for future club leadership and send them to RLI courses at club expense. All member clubs may send any club Rotarian to RLI courses, and any Rotarian may attend any course at his/her own initiative.
The overriding goal of the courses for club Rotarians is to create ENTHUSIASM for Rotary by opening up to them the world of Rotary outside of their own clubs and also showing them the great potential of Rotary service for the benefit of the world that can be furthered with excellent leadership in our clubs.