Top 10+ Ways You Can Be an Everyday Peacebuilder
Get involved with Rotary’s peacebuilding programs and activities in a number of ways through any of these options
- Enroll in and complete the Rotary Positive Peace Academy,which was developed with the Institute for Economics and Peace, so you and your club members can learn how to build peace, address the causes of conflict, and spread awareness of the concept of Positive Peace.
- Read the Positive Peace club presentation and facilitator’s guide and share the presentation with your club to start a conversation about how you can help promote peace. Or consider hosting a breakout session during your district conference about Positive Peace or the Rotary Peace Fellowship program.
- Help recruit and endorse worthy candidates for the Rotary Peace Fellowship and consider joining your district Rotary Peace Fellowship subcommittee.
- Seek out any Rotary Peace Fellows who live or work in your district and invite them to speak at a club meeting about their experiences and work in peacebuilding. To find Rotary Peace Fellows in your district, contact your district alumni chair or write to alumni@rotary.org. Stay engaged with your local peace fellows — they can often offer invaluable help to your club members on the planning and implementation of your club’s next peacebuilding project.
- If there are no peace fellows in your district, look at the Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association website, where you can access the Online Speaker Database, a database of peace fellows who can give a virtual presentation to your club. For ideas, watch some of their previous presentations.
- Encourage your district to become a Global Peacebuilder District. This program now gives districts the opportunity to support all of our peace activities, including both the Rotary Peace Fellowship and the Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention area of focus. Districts can use DDF or district cash contributions to qualify. In addition, specific naming opportunities exist for both programs.
- Start an intercountry committee (ICC) or a Rotary Friendship Exchange between your district and a district in another country, or create a Rotary Fellowship. These three programs are proven resources for building peace and fostering international understanding. Some of the most inspiring peacebuilding stories have come from these three programs (ICCs, Friendship Exchanges, and Fellowships).
- Work with young leaders to promote global understanding and peace. Through Rotary Youth Exchange, send students from your area to locations around the world or host a student from another country and encourage them to create positive change around the world. Work with an Interact club to implement a service learning project that fosters understanding within and across cultures.
- Engage with a local Rotaract club and implement a service learning project that fosters understanding within and across cultures. Rotaractors have created some of the most inspiring peace projects.
- Work with one of our peacebuilding partner organizations: ShelterBox, the Peace Corps, and Ashoka.Support the work of ShelterBox, an organization founded by Rotarians, which provides emergency shelter and tools to families forced from their homes because of conflict or disaster.
- Contact Peace Corps volunteers in your area and seek out ways in which you can collaborate on community peacebuilding projects.Access a wide range of changemaking experts with Ashoka, such as Ashoka Fellow Dr. Gary Slutkin and his organization Cure Violence Global, to bring support and resources to improve the lives within your community and abroad.
Read on for more ideas about how you can get involved with Rotary's
peacebuilding programs and activities.
- Invite your club members to join the Rotary Action Group for Peace, which supports Rotarians engaged in peacebuilding projects worldwide. Encourage your club to join the group's Peacebuilder Club program, which promotes Positive Peace both locally and globally. Watch the group's video presentations and hear from peacebuilders throughout the Rotary family. Other Rotary Action Groups are also working toward creating a more peaceful world. Consider joining other Rotary Action Groups such as Rotary Action Group Against Slavery or the Rotary Action Group for Family Safety.
- Rotary has always had strong relationships with major international organizations, including the United Nations. Today, we continue to strengthen those connections through the Rotary Representative Network.If your peacebuilding project aligns with a particular UN agency, consider reaching out to the Rotary Representative at that agency and invite them to give an online presentation to your club. To get in contact with a Representative, contact the Rotary Support Center.